Dr. Ulrich Tran
Ulrich is senior lecturer and psychologist at the Department of Cognition, Emotion and Methods in Psychology, School of Psychology, University of Vienna.
Wiener Werkstætte Publications
Niederkrotenthaler T, Tran US, Till B.
Associations of suicide referents with different moral connotation with actual suicides: Time series analysis.
Crisis, 45(4):280-286.
Niederkrotenthaler T, Tran US, Till B, Pirkis J, Sinyor M.
Re: Romer D. Seasonal suicide trends in adolescents in the US: Did they explain the apparent effect of the Netflix show 13 Reasons Why? Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2023 Apr;53(2):207-218 [Letter to the Editor].
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 54(1), 173-176.
Niederkrotenthaler T, Tran US, Baginski H, Sinyor M, Strauss MJ, Summer SA, Voracek M, Till B, Murphy S, Gonzalez F, Gould M, Garcia D, Draper J, Metzler H.
Association of 7 million+ tweets featuring suicide-related content with daily calls to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline and with suicides; United States, 2016-2018.
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57(7), 994-1003.
Niederkrotenthaler T, Till B, Kirchner S, Sinyor M, Braun M, Pirkis J, Tran US, Voracek M, Arendt F, Ftanou M, Kovacs R, King K, Schlichthorst M, Stack S, Spittal MJ.
Effects of media stories of hope and recovery on suicidal ideation and help-seeking attitudes and intentions: Systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
Lancet Public Health, 7(2), e156-e168.
Niederkrotenthaler T, Tran US, Baginski H, Sinyor M, Strauss MJ, Sumner SA, Voracek M, Till B, Murphy S, Gonzalez F, Gould M, Garcia D, Draper J, Metzler H.
Association of 7 million+ tweets featuring suicide-related content with daily calls to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline and with suicides, United States, 2016-2018.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. Online ahead of print.
Capron DW, Andel R, Voracek M, Till B, Niederkrotenthaler T, Bauer BW, Anestis MD, Tran US.
Time-series analyses of firearm-related Google searches and United States suicide rates 2004-2016.
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.
Niederkrotenthaler T, Kirchner S, Till B, Sinyor M, Tran US, Pirkis J, Spittal MJ.
Systematic review and meta-analyses of suicidal outcomes following fictional portrayals of suicide and suicide attempt in entertainment media.
EClinicalMedicine, 36, 100922.
Niederkrotenthaler T, Tran US, Gould M, Sinyor M, Sumner S, Strauss MJ, Voracek M, Till B, Murphy S, Gonzalez F, Spittal MJ, Draper J.
Association of Logic’s Hip Hop Song 1-800-273-8255 with Lifeline Calls and Suicides in the United States: Interrupted Time-Series Analysis.
BMJ 375:e067726.
Eskin M, Tran US, Carta MG, Poyrazli S, Flood C, Mechri A, Hamdan M, Janghorbani M, Khader Y, Yoshimasu K, Sun JM, Kujan O, Abuidhail J, Aidoudi K, Bakhshi S, Harlak H, Moro MF, Phillips L, Shaheen A, Taifour S, Tsuno K, Voracek M.
Is individualism suicidogenic? Findings from a multi-national study with young adults from 12 countries.
Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, Article 259.
Sinyor M, Tran US, Garcia D, Till B, Voracek M, Niederkrotenthaler T.
Suicide mortality in the United States following the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain_.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. Advance online publication.
Till B, Tran US, Niederkrotenthaler T.
The impact of educative news articles about suicide prevention: A randomized controlled trial.
Health Communication.
Eskin M, Poyrazli S, Janghorbani M, Bakhshi S, Carta MG, Moro MF, Tran US, Voracek M, Mechri A, Aidoudi K, Hamdan M, Nawafleh H, Sun JM, Flood C, Phillips L, Yoshimasu K, Tsuno K, Kujan O, Harlak H, Khader Y, Shaheen A, Taifour S.
The role of religion in suicidal behavior, attitudes and psychological distress among university students: A multinational study.
Transcultural Psychiatry, 56(5), 853-877.
Niederkrotenthaler T, Stack S, Till B, Sinyor M, Pirkis J, Garcia D, Rockett IRH, Tran US.
Association of increased youth suicides in the United States with the release of 13 Reasons Why.
JAMA Psychiatry, 76(9), 933-940.
Sinyor M, Williams M, Tran US, Schaffer A, Kurdyak P, Pirkis J, Niederkrotenthaler T.
Suicides in young people in Ontario following the release of ‘13 Reasons Why’.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 64(11), 798-804.
Till B, Fraissler M, Voracek M, Tran US, Niederkrotenthaler T.
Associations between suicide risk factors and favorite songs: Content analysis and cross-sectional study.
Crisis – The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 40(1), 7-14.
Till B, Tran US, Niederkrotenthaler T.
“Relationship satisfaction and risk factors for suicide”: Correction to Till et al., 2016.
Crisis, 38(1), 63-63.
Till B, Tran US, Niederkrotenthaler T.
Relationship satisfaction and risk factors for suicide.
Crisis – The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 38(1), 7-16.
Till B, Tran US, Voracek M, Niederkrotenthaler T.
Beneficial and harmful effects of educative suicide prevention websites: randomised controlled trial exploring Papageno _v_. Werther effects.
British Journal of Psychiatry, 211(2), 109-115."
Tran US, Andel R, Niederkrotenthaler T, Till B, Ajdacic-Gross V, Voracek M.
Low validity of Google Trends for behavioral forecasting of national suicide rates.
PLoS ONE, 12(8), e0183149.
Eskin M, Kujan O, Voracek M, Shaheen A, Carta MG, Sun JM, Flood C, Poyrazli S, Janghorbani M, Yoshimasu K, Mechri A, Khader Y, Aidoudi K, Bakhshi S, Harlak H, Hmead M, Moro MF, Nawafleh H, Phillips L, Taifour S, Tran US, Tsuno K.
Cross-national comparisons of attitudes towards suicide and suicidal persons in university students from 12 countries.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 57(6), 554-563.
Eskin M, Sun JM, Abuidhail J, Yoshimasu K, Kujan O, Janghorbani M, Flood C, Carta MG, Tran US, Mechri A, Hamdan M, Poyrazli S, Aidoudi K, Bakhshi S, Harlak H, Moro MF, Nawafleh H, Phillips L, Shaheen A, Taifour S, Tsuno K, Voracek M.
Suicidal behavior and psychological distress in university students: A 12-nation study.
Archives of Suicide Research, 20(3), 369-388.
Niederkrotenthaler T, Tran US, Till B.
Werther vs.
Papageno effect online: Randomized controlled trial of the impact of educative suicide prevention websites on suicide risk factors. European Journal of Public Health, 26(suppl. 1), 241. (abstract).
Till B, Tran US, Voracek M, Niederkrotenthaler T.
Music and suicidality: A study on associations between music preferences and risk factors of suicide.
Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 72(4), 340-356.
Ajdacic-Gross V, Tran US, Bopp M, Sonneck G, Niederkrotenthaler T, Kapusta ND, Rössler W, Seifritz E, Voracek M.
Understanding weekly cycles in suicide: An analysis of Austrian and Swiss data over 40 years – CORRIGENDUM.
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 24(4), 322-322.
Ajdacic-Gross V, Tran US, Bopp M, Sonneck G, Niederkrotenthaler T, Kapusta ND, Rössler W, Seifritz E, Voracek M.
Understanding weekly cycles in suicide: An analysis of Austrian and Swiss data over 40 years.
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 24(4), 315-321.
Till B, Tran US, Voracek M, Sonneck G, Niederkrotenthaler T.
Associations between film preferences and risk factors for suicide: An online survey.
PLOS ONE, 9(7), e102293.
Kapusta ND, Tran US, Etzersdorfer E, Sonneck G.
Firearm restriction, more precise [Letter to the editor].
Archives of Suicide Research, 17(3), 319-320.
Schild AHE, Pietschnig J, Tran US, Voracek M.
Genetic association studies between SNPs and suicidal behavior: A meta-meta-analysis.
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 46, 36-42.
Kapusta ND, Tran US, Rockett IRH, De Leo D, Naylor CPE, Niederkrotenthaler T, Voracek M, Etzersdorfer E, Sonneck G.
Declining autopsy rates and suicide misclassification: A cross-national analysis of 35 countries.
Archives of General Psychiatry, 68(10), 1050-1057.
Loibl LM, Tran US, Hirner A, Voracek M.
Lay theories of suicide: Test-retest reliability and further validation of Lester and Bean’s Attribution of Causes to Suicide scale.
Psychiatria Danubina, 20(1), 26-30.
Kõlves K, Tran US, Voracek M.
Knowledge about suicide and local suicide prevalence: Comparison of Estonia and Austria.
Perceptual and Motor Skills, 105(1), 3-7.
Voracek M, Tran US.
Dietary tryptophan intake and suicide rate in industrialized nations.
Journal of Affective Disorders, 98(3), 259-262.