Dr. Marlies Braun
Marlies is a clinical psychologist. She has a doctoral degree in public health with a research focus on suicidology and mental health promotion among adolescents. Previously she was affiliated with the Public Mental Health Research Unit, Center for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna.
Selected Publications
Braun M, Till B, Pirkis J, Niederkrotenthaler T.
Suicide prevention videos developed by and for adolescents: A qualitative study.
Crisis – The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 1-7.
Braun M, Till B, Pirkis J, Niederkrotenthaler T.
Effects of suicide prevention videos developed by and targeting adolescents: A randomized controlled trial.
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 32, 847–857.
Niederkrotenthaler T, Braun M, Pirkis J, Till B, Stack S, Sinyor M, Tran US, Voracek M, Cheng Q, Arendt F, Scherr S, Yip PSF, Spittal M.
Association between suicide reporting in the media and suicide: systematic review and meta-analysis.
British Medical Journal, 368:m575.
Niederkrotenthaler T, Till B, Kirchner S, Sinyor M, Braun M, Pirkis J, Tran US, Voracek M, Arendt F, Ftanou M, Kovacs R, King K, Schlichthorst M, Stack S, Spittal MJ.
Effects of media stories of hope and recovery on suicidal ideation and help-seeking attitudes and intentions: Systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
Lancet Public Health, 7(2), e156-e168.
Wiener Werkstætte Publications
Braun M, Till B, Pirkis J, Niederkrotenthaler T.
Effects of suicide prevention videos developed by and targeting adolescents: A randomized controlled trial.
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 32, 847–857.
Niederkrotenthaler T, Till B, Kirchner S, Sinyor M, Braun M, Pirkis J, Tran US, Voracek M, Arendt F, Ftanou M, Kovacs R, King K, Schlichthorst M, Stack S, Spittal MJ.
Effects of media stories of hope and recovery on suicidal ideation and help-seeking attitudes and intentions: Systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
Lancet Public Health, 7(2), e156-e168.
Braun M, Niederkrotenthaler T.
Effects of Educative Materials on Doctors’ Intention to Initiate Life-Saving Procedures After a Suicide Attempt: Randomised Controlled Trial.
Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 718084.
Niederkrotenthaler T, Laido Z, Kirchner S, Braun M, Metzler H, Waldhör T, Strauss MJ, Garcia D, Till B.
Mental health over nine months during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic: Representative cross-sectional survey in twelve waves between April and December 2020 in Austria.
Journal of Affective Disorders, 296, 49-58.
Braun M, Kirchner S, Leitgeb S, Niederkrotenthaler T, Till B.
_SARS CoV-2: Mental Health in Österreich: Ausgewählte Ergebnisse_ [SARS CoV-2: Mental Health in Austria: Selected results].
Public Health Report, available from: https://www.suizidforschung.at/mental-health-surveys/
Braun M, Till B, Pirkis J, Niederkrotenthaler T.
Suicide prevention videos developed by and for adolescents: A qualitative study.
Crisis – The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 1-7.
Till B, Braun M, Gahbauer S, Reisinger N, Schwenzner E, Niederkrotenthaler T.
Content analysis of suicide-related online portrayals: changes in contents retrieved with search engines in the United States and Austria from 2013 to 2018.
Journal of Affective Disorders, 271, 300-309.
Till B, Vesely C, Mairhofer D, Braun M, Niederkrotenthaler T.
Reports of adolescent psychiatric outpatients on the impact of the TV series ’13 Reasons Why’: A qualitative study.
Journal of Adolescent Health, 64, 414-415. (letter).